Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Telepoetic - Maurice Louca - Portrait Avenue @ Bibliotheca Alexandria

Since Underground Bands do not get the rightful publicity, it does not mean that Alexandria’s finest are not going to attend May 12th’s event at the Bibliotheca. More than 600 are going to be there that day, so don’t miss the chance to rock on! Here’s a small biography about the bands that will be playing.

                                *Telepoetic in cairo
Telepoetic is known for its tentative, crude and post rock sound. Shaped in 2006, the trio is one of Egypt's most one of its kind sound driven music projects. The band has an enormous arrangement of live exhibitions, at occasions, for example, 100LIVE Electronic Music Festival and Dcaf Festival. The band have likewise imparted the stage to different global acts, for example, Mouse on Mars and Jan Jelinek from Germany, IQBIt from Italy, and Erik Truffaz from France.

At present Telepoetic is visiting its first introduction collection Ensehab (Retreat) which was out in November, 2013; the LP is a combination of electronica and dynamic post rock and was alluded to via as: : “a solid instrumental effort that takes unexpected turns that make you happy you took the trip”.

Telepoetic's live exhibitions transform into a varying media encounter, the band regularly uses light and visual establishments to set on a fitting inclination for its gathering of people. Check out their website:

Maurice Louca

                                                     *Maurice Louca at Oslo World Music Festival

Maurice Louca was conceived in Cairo, where he lives and acts as a writer and musical performer. He helped to establish and is an individual from the groups Bikya ( and Alif ( His introduction solo collection Garraya was discharged in January 2011 on the Cairo-based name 100COPIES. He has loaned his impressive sound to various activities creating for theater, film and contemporary visual craftsmen.

Portrait Avenue

                                          *Portrait Avenue in a jamming studio in Alexandria

It all began with a jam....

In 2008, the initial two individuals from the band, Ragy Haddad(Guitarist) and Emad Hanna (bassist), met and discovered a musical science as they stuck, so they chose to shape "the band".. Later on that year, Wadie Nader joined the band as its drummer as beforehand settled upon with Ragy.

6 months after that cooperation of guitar, bass and drums, they felt despite everything they required more notes to fill the holes between their lines, so they all concurred that nobody could show improvement over Tarek Hussein as the band's keyboardist.

Before the end of 2009, they sensed that they required a vocalist to data more vitality to the music, Haddad had seen Belal Ali. Where Ali encountered them two or three times at the studio he used to stick at, he reached him, and they were amazed he had such agreement with their music despite the fact that he was initially an overwhelming metal vocalist.

In spite of the fact that the vocals and instruments were available, despite everything they required some flavor to their music, and that is when Ahmed Nasser (the violinist) and Shady Samir (the saxophonist) went along with them, just then.... they were depicting the hints of the road.

Their gigs began with a small show at Wadie's home, then a Halloween party at Montreal Club, the accompanying year they took an interest in the Egyptians' Got Talent Battle Of The Bands, which they in the long run won. Furthermore, to wrap things up they were the headliner in "Stages" that occurred in AAST in 2012.

They contributed in the competition created by Red Bull in 2013 and were the champs of jam rivalry over the Middle East. For more information about the competition, check out:

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