Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Al Mummia plot summary

The movie opens at a meeting of the archaeologists. Mr. “Maspero” The leader was given a funeral papyrus for Pennedjem I from the 21th Dynasty that was smuggled out of Egypt five years ago. His predecessor, the late Mariette Pasha gave it to him. Unknown merchant in Thebes sold this papyrus, which means that someone knows the exact location of these unknown tombs from the 21st dynasty and that someone knows the secret for a long time. So, an archaeologist called Ahmed Kamal decided to go to Thebes in the summer to work on this as everyone knows that the antiques authorities don’t work in the summer. Therefore, it’s the season in which antiques thieves are safe and try to smuggle out their goods.

When “Salim” the Sheikh of the tribe died. The uncle of the children decided to reveal the secret and take the children down the tomb. The children started questioning about the path they took to the tomb and why they are hiding from the city people and the guards. Their uncle asked them to stop questioning and to follow him down to the tomb. “Wanis” the younger child told his uncle that he came to fulfill his father’s wish and to know the secret of the tribe. The secret at last was revealed when Wanis saw his uncle opening the ark and getting out a necklace of gold and asked him to take it to a merchant called “Ayyub” to sell it.

After that, Wanis’ uncle, cousin, brother and mother were at home discussing the secret issue. The elder child was shocked. He told his uncle that for years he has been bringing things to Ayuub to sell it and he was told that these things were found on the mountain. His uncle told him that these tombs are for him and his brother. He didn’t accept this trade and this way of living. He and his uncle and cousin started to argue and it ended up the elder brother giving his uncle the gold necklace to take it to Ayyub. The uncle and his son leaved the house, and the elder child started to argue with his mother. He wanted to know the truth, she told him that he will know the truth someday or he will never know it. All she knows that he sullied his father’s name in his house. The argument ended up that she asked him to get out of her sight.

The elder child was killed by two men on a boat has 2 palms on its side and then the two men drowned him in the water. After that, the people of the city came to the valley that made the tribe confused because they came before the appointed time. They decided to look for Ayuub’s assistant “Murad” because the mountain guards still don’t know his face. After a while, three men found ”Murad” and he told them that he won’t work with Ayyub anymore, because this trade requires an extraordinary man and that he and his cousin will work for the people of the city at the port and then Murad left. On the way to the port, “Murad” met “Wanis” and told him that the city people came that he will circle around and investigate to find out why they’ve come and let Wanis know later.

In the next scene, “Ahmed Kamal” was talking to another officer. The officer was telling “Ahmed Kamal” that he has walked all the paths on this mountain, and they’re all abandoned and that some accursed person is the link between those tombs and the itinerant merchants. The officer decided to evacuate all inhabitants from the vicinity of the mountain and that he will arrest whoever comes near, but “Ahmed Kamal” told him that if they did so they will lose the only evidence that could lead them one day to those lost tombs. The officer told him that the mountain people don’t care about them nor do they respect the law and then “Ahmed Kamal” pointed on a map telling the officer that somewhere on this mountain lie the Pharaohs of the 21th Dynasty. Suddenly, a sound popped out, Ahmed Kamal asked the officer what is that sound? He told him it’s the sound of the mourners of the tribe of the mountain. He asked him to tell him about this tribe. He told him that they are herders whose history goes back five centuries. They are called “the tribe of the Hurabat” and that the officer has been observing them for some time.

After that, Murad was wandering in the desert until he found “Zeina” the women who “Murad” and his cousin will work with her to serve the city people. He started to chase her until he saw her with “Murad”. “Murad” asked him to go inside because no body must see them, neither the city people nor anybody else. When “Wanis” came in, “Murad” told him that the city people came because a papyrus fell into the hands of the leader of the city people. Then, Murad told him that they have guests who will be glad to see him. When he entered, he found his cousins in there. They argued until he saw Murad’s cousin is engaging in a sexual action with his third cousin, and after his cousin finished what he was doing, he gave Murad’s cousin a statue. At this moment, Wanis knew that Murad is doing a business. At last, Wanis’ cousins asked him to share the things on the mountain with them, but he told them that everything on the mountain must be shared with the whole tribe. At the end of the scene, the audience knows that Ayuub gives money when he takes monuments but Murad let men do whatever they want with his cousin in order to give him monuments in return.

In this scene, “Ayuub” finally shows up when two men came running to him, saying that the guards are everywhere and that “Salim” has died. He told them that another “Salim” would come because this is the monthly appointment. It did happen that someone came and gave him the gold necklace. He told him that “Salim” died and it’s safest for him to sell it piece by piece because the tribe’s matters are not well. After that, Wanis’ came with the statue he took from Murad. “Ayyub” told him that he was saddened by the death of his father. Wanis told him that he is not welcomed here anymore and that this trade will not go on any longer and took the gold necklace from his hands. “Ayyub” asked the woman to take it from him even if it costs his life.

After the gold necklace was taken from “Wanis”. He wants to his father’s grave and then “Murad” came crying because he brought bad news to him. The bad news was that his brother was killed and that the ones, who killed him, might hurt Wanis as well. At first, Wanis didn’t believe what “Murad” said and asked him to prove what he said. He told him that the boat his brother left on, marked with two palms like a butterfly, moored outside the village; its owners are waiting to be paid for their murder. He also told him that his uncle is searching for him because he doesn’t trust Wanis with the secret. He added that “Ayyub” will deceive him and his tribe and that he will take everything.

After “Wanis” listened to what “Murad” said, he decided to go and the city people about the secret. “Murad tried to stop him but failed. The officers saw “Wanis” and took him to “Ahmed Kamal” and he revealed the secret to him. After that, “Ahmed Kamal” and the archeologists went to the tomb and discovered a cache of pharaohs from five dynasties from the 19th to the 21st. the writing on some coffins indicated that the remaining priests of Amon, three thousand years ago, when the tombs of the Valley of the Kings were pillaged, moved them here. The priests put the mummies of the pharaohs in these humble coffins, after their gold coffins were stolen. They prepared to move the coffins on board the ship. They put off the light and started to move the coffins to the ship and then the ship moved.

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