Thursday, May 14, 2015

My own perspective about new media.

New media is means of mass communication using digital technologies such as the Internet, video games, websites, mobile phones, etc. As for me; new media helps me a lot in my daily life. Mobile phone helps me to reach out my friends or family easily. Also, instant-messaging applications such as what’s app makes reaching people easier and helps in keeping in contact with them.

Internet is something that I can’t live without. I chat with friends, play games, work, watch movies and listen to songs using Internet. It is something necessary in my life and I guess in everyone’s life too. Any information that crosses my mind, I can get it easily from the Internet. When I am not home all day, I can simply read the online version of any newspaper on the Internet.

There is also social media, which is a form of new media, social media websites like Facebook, twitter, etc. I use Facebook website the most, it entertains me, it keeps me updates with the latest news, it helps me a lot in keeping in touch my friends or relatives whom I don’t see a lot. I can arrange a whole meeting or an event on Facebook. I can contact my lecturers through Facebook.

Another of form of new media is blogs, where bloggers can post any article, picture or video on their blog page and people follows their posts. I personally don’t follow certain bloggers but every now and then I read some blogs that I like and share them with my friends.

There are also video editing programs that I use a lot to edit raw footage and combine shots into sequences to create a finished motion picture.

New media has a great impact on everyone’s life; it is involved in everyone’s daily life. It facilitates everyone’s daily tasks. In my opinion, it has more advantages than the disadvantages and it is necessary in every person’s life.

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