Sunday, May 17, 2015

Is the U.S still racist?

Does racism still exist in the U.S.? The answer is yes, it is still out there. Although public commentary describes the United States as "post-racial", racism continues to exert a very real and pervasive influence on institutional policies and processes, interpersonal interactions, neighborhood infrastructure, socioeconomic opportunities, media imagery, and more.  

"Minorities" is an incorrect term assigned to races other than white, who are in fact part of a majority. African Americas, Arabs, Asians, Hispanics, all of those races are a large percentage of U.S. Population. We are called "minorities" because we are seen as less than. We can be just as qualified for jobs/positions or even more qualified than a white person and still lose the position to them because of our race.

The majority of whites seem to be scared of the African American race as well as other races. The worst part is that just because they are black, people stereotype them as a person who enjoys rap, lives in the ghetto and whose life consists of drug dealing and killing. Truly, there are people like this out there but that doesn't mean, that all of them act like this. Also, they have a major fear from Arabs; they see us as bombers, terrorists, serial killers and other unreasonable stereotypes.

This is fueled by the selective media coverage of –what they call it- terrorists’ attacks by Arabs or Muslims but at the same time they tend not to cover racist incidents or terror attacks done by a white Americans as much as they do when Arabs involved. They tend to blame the entire Muslim religion for an incident done by one Muslim, but when a white person does the same action, that is described as terror attack –in case of a Muslim doer-, they tend to minimize the seriousness of the action, give it less coverage and importance.

Have you ever heard about the two Arabs store clerks who were shot to death in 2009? Of course not. In January 2009, Memphis store clerk Mohammed Al Hadi was murdered by an unknown assailant who calmly took aim and then fired. On the same day, at another grocery story nearby, another Arab clerk was also murdered.

The two murders came on the heels of the killing on New Year's Day 2009 of an African American during an angry confrontation with another Middle Eastern store clerk, who police charged with murder. Following the shooting, unknown perpetrators set fire to the store and an employee's car, and activists called for a boycott of "all Arab-owned businesses in the neighborhood.

This incident reveals a significant problem with likely underreporting of hate crimes by law enforcement authorities. As of the date of this report, Memphis Police had classified the deaths of the two Middle Eastern grocery clerks as robberies, not hate crimes. On March 6, 2009 George Williams was arrested and charged with first-degree murder in perpetration of a robbery.

Some whites claim that Arabs are not civilized. their view of civilization is surely different than many other cultures. Let me say what makes a person civilized? A civilized person sees no color, no race, religion or separation. A civilized person doesn’t generalize or attribute a certain characteristic or attitude, he or she has seen in one person, to the entire race or religion.

In short, America is still a racist country. Some whites are still racist, they still stereotype Arabs and other races of course, and the American Media is a main reason for why Whites think that Arabs are terrorists? The American media still select and highlight incidents carried out by Arabs and tend to neglect or diminish same incident or even more violent incident carried out by whites. A Muslim criminal leads to an entire religion guilty but a white criminal is a mentally disturbed “individual”, that needs a treatment.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Congratulations! Technology Has Successfully Ruined Your Relationships, Friendships and Your Life !

 Yes, its pleasant that you have the whole Internet readily available and you can up your messaging diversion with emoticons and selfies, however in the event that you truly kick back and consider it, innovation has sort of demolished your connections. 

Unforgiving truth: Your relationship with your loved one, your friends and even your boss is totally diverse now that innovation overwhelms your life.

You can't appreciate a decent dinner out until somebody takes a photograph of their food.

Candlelit meals used to be a cozy experience. Presently it resembles the following: "Happy anniversary, dear! I ordered us a lobster and filet mignon, however to start with, I truly need to talk to you about how much our relationship means to me. Goodness, you're Instagraming the wings? Alright. I'll hold up. Okay, now I have an interesting thing to ask… Oh. Now you are reviving Instagram to how many likes you got on your wings... Fine...”

When You’re on a Vacation, You Must Share or Post EVERY SINGLE LITTLE MOMENT.

On the off chance that you don't post photographs of the nightfall in the Bahamas, did you ever truly go? If you’re craving to give your followers or friends a get-away envy by means of social networking dominates your longing to have some genuine time off and be unplugged, rethink your needs.

You’re Not Alone, Even When You’d Like to Be

The thought that we are so exhausted without our telephones among the five (or somewhere in the surrounding area) minutes we are in the washroom is really a bit of aggravating. Whatever happened to simply getting books when we are along? What about magazines?! Then again perhaps you simply sit without anyone else for three measly minutes without anything diverting you? Additionally, the rate of telephones dropped into toilets has risen significantly through the years. That is an exploratory fact.

You’re Not Serious if you Haven’t Made it Official on Facebook or Any Other Social Network

Unfortunately, there are many individuals out there who don't consider their relationship genuine unless they have that FB confirmation. Locked in? Hitched? Living respectively? It doesn't make a difference until everybody on Facebook sees it in your profile information! What's more, if your loved one would like to make things Facebook official, you are presumably always addressing why they are waiting. Is there another person? It is safe to say that they are as yet playing the field? What's more, now you are distrustful and demolishing your relationship before it even began.

Quality Time has Gone Down the Drain

Getting up to spend with companions and or family? Put your telephone down and look at individuals without flinching. Have a discussion. Try not to stress over what you are absent on Twitter. It will even now be there when you are done associating with real people.

Texting is Normal, but What Are Phone Calls Again?

You probably forgot how to start a conversation on a phone call. You probably forgot that there is such thing as to dial people’s numbers and hear their voices along with their actual laughs, not just a fake emoji or a LOL.

Faster Internet Speed & Lower Costs in Egypt, SOON!

Egyptian web rates are handicapping the nation's start-up air money, specialists claim. As of late, Cairo was marked one of the world's top new company rises by Richard Branson's Virgin with a tech adroit populace referred to as one of the explanations behind the city's prosperity. Nonetheless, low quality speeds and administration from the nation's primary businesses or suppliers has abandoned Egypt slacking different nations in the race to turn into the Middle East's top business center. 

The normal web speed in Egypt is only 2.8 Megabits every second (Mbps), a rate overshadowed by close neighbors including Saudi Arabia (11.4mbps), Turkey (11.3mbps), with even politically temperamental countries, for example, Libya (5.2mbps) and Sudan (2.9mbps) out performing Egypt. This lies in an unmistakable difference to the fabulous publicizing crusades offered by the nation's four fundamental ISPs (Internet Service Providers); TEData, Etisalat, Vodafone and Link DSL (claimed by Mobinil).

Shockingly, the quickest web rates are accessible in Hurghada where clients get a normal of 4.85mb every second. Then, the second place spot went to Cairo where clients time in at 3.09mb. The most exceedingly terrible quality administration was seen in Upper Egypt's Qena positioned base of the heap scoring only 1.06 mbps by and large. Nonetheless, it’s not simply poor administration quality and velocities which are influencing Egypt's web clients - the generally high cost of getting online is putting some off. In Europe, clients are frequently offered super quick associations free as a feature of TV bundles - however in Egypt even the low end alternatives can set you back very nearly 100LE every month.

Since the web is frequently known not moderate, costly and hard to acquire in specific ranges because of restricted framework. Yet, with an end goal to support access to the web by Egypt's 39 million web clients, Egypt's Ministry of Communication and Information Technology has reported another arrangement.

As indicated by the Ministry, the administration is working with web organizations and the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority to talk about approaches to build web speeds and decrease costs. The arrangement, the Ministry said, is expected to give quicker web speeds, as well as guarantee that everybody can have admittance to the web easily.

As per Ookla's Netindex, Egypt positions in the main 10 nations with the slowest transfer rates and positions 17th for slowest download rates, giving Egypt a general positioning of 176 out of 192 nations. All the more significantly, the worldwide normal expense of web every mbps is $US 5.58 (EGP 40), while the normal cost in Egypt is $US 16.83 (EGP 120).

Egyptians have recently battled to weight the administration to guarantee subjects have the capacity to get to the web at lower expenses and speedier speeds.

Bassem Youssef is Hosting the International Emmy Awards!

Egyptian political humorist Bassem Youssef, known as the 'Jon Stewart of the Arab World', has been declared as the host of the International Emmy Awards Gala in New York on November 23.

The International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences declared on Monday that Bassem Youssef, the previous host of the political parody show Al-Bernameg, will have the prestigious worldwide awards gala.

Bassem Youssef moved on from Cairo University's Faculty of Medicine, majoring in cardiothoracic surgery, in 1998. He passed the United States Medical License Exam (USMLE) and has been an individual from the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) since February 2007. He then got preparing in heart and lung transplantation in Germany, after which he put in eighteen months in the United States working for an organization that delivers medicinal hardware identified with cardiothoracic surgery. In January 2011, Bassem Youssef supported the injured in Tahrir Square during the Egyptian Revolution.

“Bassem Youssef has been dubbed the Jon Stewart of the Arab world but in fact his talent has no borders,” said Bruce L. Paisner, President & CEO of the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. “Through his own show and his many appearances on the Daily Show, he has become a comedic force and important political commentator around the world.”

In a press release, Bassem Youssef said he was thrilled to be picked as the host of the International Emmys.

“I am extremely honoured to be chosen following the footsteps of incredibly funny and distinguished comedians like John Oliver and Matt Lucas who hosted the ceremony in the last two years,” said Bassem Youssef. “This is a great opportunity where television productions from outside the United States are recognized. Being the first host from the Middle East will put more responsibility on my shoulders to serve this position in the best way I can and I hope that this will shed more light on the vibrant entertainment industry in my region.”

In spite of the fact that Bassem Youssef's program reached an end a year ago, his minute in the spotlight has been a long way from being done. In the wake of leaving Egypt in the midst of legislative weight that brought about the wiping out of his dubious parody show Al Bernameg, Youssef stayed occupied through his numerous accomplishments. He started an association with Harvard University's Institute of Politics, was highlighted in enormous name diaries, for example, TIME Magazine, and most as of late, won the Silver Medal for Best TV Host in the World at the 2015 New York Festivals.

Since the end of his show, Bassem Youssef has likewise been taking a shot at various activities extending from searching out the following YouTube stars for his Dubai-based ability release system "Tube Star Network" to chipping away at a narrative on his life since 2011, "Tickling Giants".

Reasons Why Not to Trust Mainstream Media.

A survey a year ago demonstrated that trust in the mainstream media is expanding, which ought to stress every one of us who esteem truth, honesty and press flexibility. Why? Here are 5 aggravating things everybody needs to think about the worldwide media titans who control our supply of data, manipulating monstrous control over the individuals and even over the governments.

1. All the Media Seeks for is Profit

What's the reason for mainstream media? Saying that the press exists to advise, instruct or captivate is similar to stating Apple enterprise's essential capacity is to make innovation which will enhance our lives. Really, the media communications industry is the same as whatever other in an entrepreneur society: it exists to make benefit. Media Lens, a British battling site which investigates standard reporting, cited business columnist Marjorie Kelly as saying that all companies, incorporating those managing media, exist just to expand comes back to their shareholders. She said, ‘the law of the land…universally accepted as a kind of divine, unchallengeable truth’. Without satisfying shareholders, the media basically would not exist. Also, once you comprehend this, you'll never watch the news in the same way again.

2. Elite People and Media Monopolies Threaten Real Journalism

The imposing business model of the press is developing year by year, and this is a serious threat to squeeze morals and differences. Media big shot Rupert Murdoch's neo-liberal individual governmental issues are reflected in his 175 daily papers and supported by savants. Any individual who isn't concerned by this one man's perspective of the world being devoured by a large number of individuals over the globe, isn't contemplating the outcomes. It's a peculiarly comprehensive imposing business model leaving probably Murdoch as a standout amongst the most intense men on the planet. Be that as it may, he's surely not the most good or moral.

3. Corporate Press is Best Friends with the Governments.

Guaranteeing a staggering bias in news scope and decision campaigns, flooding daily papers with sloppy and simple articles from unchallenged government sources, and choking essayists from reprimanding people with great influence, these mystery associations additionally represent a significant part of the corporate media's perpetual selling of the patriotism lie– particularly ahead of the pack up to assaults on different nations. Here's an intriguing examination of The New York Times' scope of the current Syria circumstance for instance, showing how corporate writers are neglecting to consider open feeling the issue of a full-scale assault on Assad by the US and its associates.

4. Notice How Mainstream Media Doesn’t Ask Questions.

'Check your sources, check your truths' are brilliant principles in reporting 101, however you wouldn't figure that from perusing the standard press or viewing corporate TV channels. Never neglect the corporate media's binds to enormous business and huge government before tolerating what you are told- in light of the fact that if news coverage is dead, you have a privilege and an obligation to ask your own inquiries.

5. Bad News is More Popular Than Good News.

It's gloomy yet true: awful news truly does offer more daily papers. Anyhow, why? Is it accurate to say that we are truly so negative? Do we savor the misery of others? Is it true that we are covertly happy that something unpleasant transpired else, not us? Perusing the corporate squeeze as an outsider going by Earth you may expect so.

For the most part, news scope is dramatist and discouraging as damnation, with such a large number of pages devoted to murder, assault and pedophilia but then none to the billions of good deeds and amazingly helpful developments occurring each moment of each day everywhere throughout the planet. However, the reasons we expend awful news are flawlessly legitimate. In times of agreement and peace, individuals just don't feel the need to instruct themselves as much as they do in times of emergencies. That is uplifting news for anybody starting to hopelessness that people are unresponsive, scornful and moronic, and it could even be contended that this calming and straightforward reality is an awesome motivator for the broad communications industry to do something advantageous. They could begin offering the positive and confident plot for a change. They could utilize dim times of expanded open enthusiasm to pass on a message of peace and equity. They could mirror humankind's craving for arrangements and our dire attentiveness toward the earth. They could go about as the voice of a worldwide populace who has had enough of brutality and deceives crusade for straightforwardness, uniformity, flexibility, truth, and genuine vote based system. Would that offer daily papers? I suspect as much. They could even consider a couple of legislators responsible in the interest of the individuals, wouldn't that be something? At the same time, for years to come, its probable the corporate press will simply divert our consideration with another photo of Rihanna “Going Bad”, another gossip about Justin Bieber's coke addiction, or another article about Kim Kardashian (who is she once more?) wearing heels with swollen lower legs while pregnant.

My own perspective about new media.

New media is means of mass communication using digital technologies such as the Internet, video games, websites, mobile phones, etc. As for me; new media helps me a lot in my daily life. Mobile phone helps me to reach out my friends or family easily. Also, instant-messaging applications such as what’s app makes reaching people easier and helps in keeping in contact with them.

Internet is something that I can’t live without. I chat with friends, play games, work, watch movies and listen to songs using Internet. It is something necessary in my life and I guess in everyone’s life too. Any information that crosses my mind, I can get it easily from the Internet. When I am not home all day, I can simply read the online version of any newspaper on the Internet.

There is also social media, which is a form of new media, social media websites like Facebook, twitter, etc. I use Facebook website the most, it entertains me, it keeps me updates with the latest news, it helps me a lot in keeping in touch my friends or relatives whom I don’t see a lot. I can arrange a whole meeting or an event on Facebook. I can contact my lecturers through Facebook.

Another of form of new media is blogs, where bloggers can post any article, picture or video on their blog page and people follows their posts. I personally don’t follow certain bloggers but every now and then I read some blogs that I like and share them with my friends.

There are also video editing programs that I use a lot to edit raw footage and combine shots into sequences to create a finished motion picture.

New media has a great impact on everyone’s life; it is involved in everyone’s daily life. It facilitates everyone’s daily tasks. In my opinion, it has more advantages than the disadvantages and it is necessary in every person’s life.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Alexandria is rebuilding the "Pharos" lighthouse.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria, here and there called the Pharos. A tower constructed by the Ptolemaic Kingdom somewhere around 280 and 247 BC which was somewhere around 393 and 450 ft (120 and 137 m) tall. It was one of the tallest man-made structures on the planet for a long time, and was viewed as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Severely harmed by three seismic earthquakes between AD 956 and 1323, it then turned into a relinquished ruin. It was the third longest surviving ancient wonder (after the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus and the surviving Great Pyramid of Giza) until in 1480 the remainder of its leftover stones were utilized to construct the Cit

Presently, Egypt wants to reconstruct one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World – the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities is currently supporting arrangements to reconstruct it.

After an inside and out investigate of what recreating the giant tower would look like, were arrangements submitted, Dr Mostafa Amin from the Council told Egyptian daily paper. Alexandria's governor is currently going to evaluate the arrangements and choose whether to issue them a final authorization.

Known as the Pharos Lighthouse, the Lighthouse of Alexandria was one of the world's tallest structures for a long time.

*An artist’s impression of the lighthouse from 1754

French archeologists drove by Jean-Yves Empereur found remains of the tower in late 1994 on the floor of Alexandria's Eastern Harbor. Some of these remaining parts were raised and were lying at the harbor on general visibility toward the end of 1995. A Nova (TV arrangement) project chronicled the discovery. Subsequent satellite imaging has uncovered further remains. It is conceivable to set out for some plunging and see the vestiges. The secretariat of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage are presently meeting expectations with the Government of Egypt on an activity to include the straight of Alexandria (to incorporate stays of the lighthouse) on a World Heritage List of submerged social sites. Very little is thought about the subtle elements of the proposed revamp and, as per The Telegraph, Egypt's relic’s service has a poor record of protection and reclamation.

Julius Caesar, in his Civil Wars (Part III, Sections 111–112, esp. Area 112), portrays the Pharos and how it was a key point of interest to his stifling Ptolemy XIV's armed forces (48 BC), portraying its key significance in his sentences "Now because of the narrowness of the strait there can be no access by ship to the harbour without the consent of those who hold the Pharos. In view of this, Caesar took the precaution of landing his troops while the enemy was preoccupied with fighting, seized the Pharos and posted a garrison there. The result was that safe access was secured for his corn supplies and reinforcements."

The lighthouse remains a civic image of the city of Alexandria and of the Alexandria Governorate with which the city is pretty much coterminous. A stylized representation of the lighthouse shows up on the banner and seal of the Governorate and on numerous open administrations of the city, including the seal of Alexandria University. The Lighthouse was one of the longest surviving Ancient World Wonders nearby the Mausoleum and Halicarnassus and the Great Pyramid of Giza.